We're all just doing the best we can with what knowledge and experience we have at our fingertips. The person that we always beat up the most in our lives is ourselves. - Fred
In a Cowboy Mouth show I'm saying, hey, give yourself a break. Let yourself go.
Celebrate right now. Celebrate this moment. Celebrate who you are in this moment because you've made it this far. Celebrate the fact that inside of you there's this soul that is beating, that is just longing to express itself, that is trying to tell you every single moment of every single day that you kick ass. Because when you allow yourself access to that, as opposed to the fear and the worry that this world tries to crowd upon you, when you allow yourself access to that part of yourself that tells you that you're unique, that you're special, that you are a diamond in the rough, that's when the magic happens. - Fred You know, in the long run it really is all just about communication. You’re just trying to communicate with your audience. And the thing about Cowboy Mouth is that I want the audience to communicate back to us. - Fred
Mardi Gras is a perfect metaphor for life. There are a lot of reasons to be afraid, to worry, but for a certain time period in New Orleans, we forget all that and we just celebrate. We celebrate the ability to celebrate.
I think that is such a perfect metaphor for life, for living. Sometimes you just have to celebrate the fact that you've made it this far. There are so many people who haven't. - Fred Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep going. There really is no option. If you're going to live, then you might as well live to the best of your ability, whatever that is. With a lot of faith and a lot of imagination, you can really work wonders. - Fred
I've lived big. I've laughed big. I've hurt big. I've been hurt big. I've loved big. That's just the way I choose to do it, because I remember what it was like to be afraid.
We're all going to get to the end of the finish line, no matter where that ending is for each of us. And when you get there, do you want to regret the things you DID do or do you want to regret the things you DIDN'T do?
At the end of my life, I want to be able to laugh really loud at the mistakes I made rather than sit there and go, "Man, I wish I would have…" - Fred |
February 2023